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Paddy Bahit
Anchor> Professional staff> Paddy Bahit
Director of IAS 19
Assistant Actuary and Client Portfolio Manager (IFRS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BA) in Business Administration and Master of Science (MSc) in Actuary at the University of Haifa.

Certificate in actuary from the University of Haifa.
Bachelor's degree (BA) in Business Administration and Insurance (dual) at the Netanya Academic College, with honors.
Work experience
Employee at Agan Actuarial Consulting since 2007.
7 years experience as an Actuary Assistant; Three years as client portfolio manager and since 2014 has been head of IAS 19 in the firm.
In the years 2006-2007 he worked at Clal Insurance Company as a client portfolio manager - long-term savings; Responsible for cooperation with the Academic College in Netanya on the subject of "Project Excellence".
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