Sarit Bar Giora
Anchor> Professional staff> Sarit Bar Giora
Partner YDB Consultants.
With in-depth and extensive professional knowledge in the field of health care in Israel, she managed the medical group insurance department at a leading insurance company in the field, certified in Business Administration (MBA) in insurance and marketing at Tel Aviv University, graduated with honors in economics and statistics from Tel Aviv University.

Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Insurance and Marketing at Tel Aviv University.
Graduate (cum laude), _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Economics and Statistics, _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Tel Aviv University.
professional experience
2002-2008 Management of the group health and nursing insurance department at Harel Insurance Company. At the end of her work at Harel (June 2008), Harel was in first place in group health insurance in Israel, with a market share of about 60%.
Management of all handling of tenders conducted by entities both directly and through all insurance consultants active in the market.
Specializing in claims management, actuarial, operational and service of group medical insurance.
Has in-depth and extensive professional knowledge in the field of the health system in Israel in all its aspects, including the State Health Law, additional health services (supplementary insurance), private and group health insurance, laws and regulations related to the field